1) through direct individual access to food, water and raw materials needed for tools
If you think about the core political rangling of humanity; it is based on the opposition of some people who seem to legitimate inequality and other people who instinctively resist and dislike and fight against the claims that tries to justify inequality. And its true in religion as well, so religion and politics are supposed to be very close, eternally around the world concerned about justifying inequality or trying to promote inequality and thats the basic game of politics in human societies.
In these places where an equality of outcome is achieved, you have direct access to food (Jerome Lewis will give you examples of how that come into practice in his lecture (31:57) http://mmstudiesa.com/matriarchies/bayaka) and water and the raw materials needed for tools. So people have direct unimpeded access to the basics they need for their survival. The idea of private property in these societies is really not approved of and they get really annoyed with any one claiming private properties - even gorillas, and will swear and insult any gorillas that will make noice signallig: get away get away this is my forest, Jerome Lewis friends will start insulting them, that´s not acceptable; -You piss off, aso. They will use the worst words that they know.
In these societies its considered to be a birthright to have a direct access to the things you need.