1. Back in the time before time, in the land of the great Nile, the Sky Goddess was pregnant with the seed of heaven, the children of magic… Osiris, Isis and Set.

2. Even within that womb of blackness, Isis and Osiris already were lovers, so perfect was the mating of their souls. And in that same womb there was Set, the dark twin of Osiris, twisted and deformed by jealousy, his hatred towards his twin brother served only to magnify his own darkness.

3. In the fullness of time, the sky goddess did give birth to her progeny. Osiris was the brightest of the three. He grew to become a great king, almost god-like in his wisdom, his popularity immeasurable. Egypt grew, prospered and flourished under his rule. Even the sun shone more brightly in his presence.

4. But none loved him more than his sister, Isis. And none despised him more than his brother, Set, whose secret heart was filled with poison, bitterness and hatred. Isis warned her brother to beware against the treachery of Set, but Osiris, containing no evil himself, did not exercise caution.

5.Set invited his brother to a celebratory feast in his honour. Together they indulged in fine food and beverages and intoxicating music. The mood was pleasant and tranquil with no hint of the violence which was to follow.

6. With only foul murder in his heart, Set leapt from the table and fell upon his royal brother in a rage both wild and implacable. He lifted his axe and cleaved the body of Osiris into fourteen pieces, destroying his physical form in such a complete way that even his very soul would never be able to ascend to heaven.
Set twisted and deformed by yellowness
In performance of time The skyGodess
Osiris was the brightest of the three
Egypt flourished
His popularity grew
And no-one loved her more than her sister Isis
And no-one hated him more than his brother Set
Isis warned him of being aware, bears of the treaussurie of Set
With only murder in his heart Set
He lifted his ax and cleaved the body into fourteen peaces
would never be able to be sent to heaven
He scattered the peaces to wide along the river Nile, None could possibly ever discover them
his hatred of his brother now confined to history
The pain felt by Issa of the events is beyond our imagination she wept for seven days and seven nights
After the seventh night she decided she will cry no more
She dried her tears and she to gather together every part of the dismembered corps
taken as her guidance the faithful crocodile Good Zebek
She searched endless ever corner of the great Nile
And after much toimne has come to pass