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Lecture on Youtube
by the author & scholar Ph D Stephen Skinner
Today there are lots of videos on Youtube lecturing about new kinds of particle and quantum physics, made by well recognised physicists and mathematicians, all of them more or less referring or connecting their ideas to the old kind of wisdom and knowledge about physics and consciousness thats called Sacred Geometry. One of the best and most detailed specified I find this video to be; The Sacred Geometry in Universe by the Australian scholar Ph D Stephen Skinner, who is the author of the much appreciated book; Deciphering the Code about Sacred Geometry. Its a pity though that his speech is so rapid, that it sometimes is hard to follow his eminent lecture. Therefore I have slowed down the pace, by writing down some of his explanations and displaying some of the tutorial images he uses. As it takes too much to repeat every single word he says though, you have to check for yourselves on the video when you want to have a more complete report than mine. I can´t either guarantee that my translations always are 100 % correct.
What They Don't Want You To Know
Publicerades den 1 feb. 2015
"According to Stephen Skinner, the study of sacred geometry has its roots in the study of nature, and the mathematical principles at work therein. Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry, for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are sometimes interpreted in terms of sacred geometry and considered to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms."
We are a source for alternative breaking news; those kind of news you don't get to watch on mainstream media.
When diving in to the mythologies and beliefs of ancient times, you sooner or later will come across the kind of exploring the underlying patterns in nature and cosmos, as well as the human consciousness, that was carried out by then, and is called "Sacred Geometry".
Myths and beliefs in those times weren´t separated in different spheres; as is thoroughly commented in the New Paradigm movement at for example Esalen in USA from the sixties and onwards by such outstanding thinkers as Gregory Bateson et al, commented by Martha Senger as well as by Dirk Dunbar in his The Crisis of Perception and Search for The Balance of Natures Polarities in New Paradigm theories.
Quoting Martha Senger:
"A Separation of Spheres:
Following Max Weber’s notion that modernity, in its separation of spheres - the becoming autonomous of truth, beauty, and goodness – brought about the loss of the metaphysical totalities of the premodern age, the challenge, as J. M. Bernstein suggests in The Fate of Art: `is to think through what truth, morality and beauty (or its primary instance: art) are when what is denied is their categorical separation from one another…It is the entwinement of art and truth, the experience of art as somehow cognitive and of truth as sensuous and particular, and not the substitution of one for the other within a stable metaphysical hierarchy, that constitutes the challenge´.”
Therefore, in order to be able to decipher the sign-system of Sacred Geometry in an adequate way, you have to broaden your mind and stop looking for just one aspect of those four, as also the Norwegian religion historian Maria Kvilhaug stresses in her many videos at Youtube in which she herselves rediscover a lot of forgotten and forbidden knowledge hidden therein. Omitting this kind of interpretation of the signs of scientific symbolisation you will not be able to understand your historical past.
Its hard not to suspect main stream scholars in the established community of science of still not having been able to liberate themselves of their outdated kind of reductionist and linear thinking, which prevents them from thinking out of the Western andro-and ethnocentric box. Especially among the archaeologists, who for example still don´t even accept the idea that the prehistoric megalith monuments were constructed in relation to the planet´s orbits and was founded on an advanced form of knowledge about mathematics and geometry. This may perhaps be due to the narcissistic unwillingness to admit the fact that earlier cultures might have been quite sophisticated in comparison with our own.
And in fact; many cultures have had a history, which for example as among the ancient Greeks is telling about a past of Golden Age, that´s been superseded by a steady decline in the development of knowledge and cultural refinement.
Anyway it seems like Western science at last has come to the point where it has had to re-evaluate the old Scared Geometry worked out not at least by Platon and the old Greeks and the Egyptians, as well as many other ancient cultures around the globe, as the same holy patterns occur everywhere. Not at least the highly stylised pattern of the Flower of Life wich looks like this and have been found almost everywhere around the world:
Skinner, in the beginning of the video, deeply regrets the fact, that when we in the 17th century turned to science instead of religion to get rid of superstition, we grouped in many other things together with superstition that we shouldn´t have, such important ways of conceiving the world as through intuition, consciousness, human connection and paranormal phenomenon, which he claims has proven to be real today.
-After 200 years main stream science is still going with the assumption that consciousness is just a part of the brain. Although they don´t know how it works and haven´t got a single rational explanation for it, they keep on believing it. Why? Skinner asks.
-When we throwed superstion out of the door, even talking about it became taboo. So the reason why one doesn´t talk about it in main stream science community is simply that that´s the way science has been for 200 years. They wouldn´t have any of it, although there are scientific institutions like for example IONS Institute for Noetic Science and the field of research of noetics by Rupert Sheldrake and his colleges have proven that mass consciousness exist and is definitively not a part of the brain, he continues.
-That kind of assumptions about the brain has not taken us anywhere. Its time to start questioning the decisions made by our ancestors. Many of the things that we are left to believe are simply not true. I´m not saying that we should blindly accept every new stuff that´s coming out today, but we should at least put it at the table and discuss it openly as a global community.
Now he is going to present to us an overview of what Sacred Geometry is.
Quoting Skinner:
Sacred geometry is solely based on the idea of consciousness. It revolves around the idea that all consciousness, including human, is solely based on geometry. We can begin to see where we are comin from, where we are right now and where we are going. The Universe is infinite. It has no beginningand no end
In both science and religion creation is discussed from a specific set of conceptions about the beginning. In science we call it the Big Bang. This is a theory that says that everything in the universe was compressed into a fantastically small particle, something that we percieve as unity and rapidly exploded and expanded outwards and created everything in the universe.
In religion its generally called creation, when God or some allknowing or allseeing entity - the only one imbued with so much power- created everything, presumeably in six days, before he took a welldeserved day off.
If we take a step out of the box for a second and take these two cosmic coins and put them together into what´s called a "Vesica piscis":
As usual these two enemies, that never seem to get along, actually have quite a lot in common. Both say that univere started with unity and expanded outwards. Both say that light was an important factor of the creation as well. Yet at the beginning we were one essence and somehow thereafter became everything - then both are saying the same thing; that we all came from the same source:
How can we make sense of that, that the universe is infinite but has a beginning?
Two specific kind of energies can be expressed with this image:
It shows the flow between male and female energy; here by Skinner defined as focused as male and creative and random and creative as female energy - the male one being the postive light pole and the female the negative and dark (of course!) (but never mind for this time only!)
Neither is better, stronger nor weaker than the other and both can be extremely powerful when manifested together.
Female energy is the land of untested possibilities, creative potential and affect the universe from within.
Fokused male energy take direct roads from point A to point B, this energy can be as strong as a tank, accomplishing tasks with precision and without distraction.
The important thing with these two energies is how they move and we need some superbasic geometry to show this:
This is the fibonacci spiral:
For now the only thing we have to know about this fibonacci-sequence (as Skinner is going to return to this topic later) is that it starts at number one and goes on in a very specific manner in an infinite series of numbers, obtained by performing this mathematical operation:
...and that it is present in all life everywhere:
As male energy flows into the spiral it goes from base point from here to here, it doesn´t curve - it just goes straight ways ahead where it needs to be.
Female energy follows the actual curved spiral, it will go in and around the line but still be linked to the same of results. (??? Can´t hear what Skinner says here!)
This is the graphical representation of how it flows. From this understanding you can see how we use our energies in our lives.
Its a difference between driving straight to our job and getting in time following the schedule, from taking a more pleasant curved drive even if it will delay us from getting in time, or baking cakes as it is said in the cook book or just putting together what feels right and so on. (Skinner is here giving more examples of the difference betwen yin and yang-related types of occupations.)
Both male and female energies, like the chakras, have their own traits. Male energy is linear, analytical, strategic and practical. However when male energy is constricted its very blending in confrontational and what tends to occur is not seeing all sides of the situation and not being open to any other perspectives than the one being presumed. You can see a lot of that in today´s societies. Most commonly we call it closeminded
Female energy, however, moves in curves. It doesn´t stay inside the lines, it is creativity and movements, expression and emotion. It can do anything and go anywhere, but it has problems to stick to schedules. If constricted it can get out of its flow running rampage between emotions and ideas. The creativity can become djungle and come out of control.
We don´t have this widespread in todays society.
The Skinner is referring these male / female - Yin / Yang differencies to the differencies between the two hemispheres of the brain. But I am not sure of his being correct on this matter, so I will leave it like that for now. Anyway he is not totally wrong in the idea that the left (male) hemisphere is analytic and dealing with parts and the right (female) intuitive-creative hemisphereand dealing with entities.
He also notes the male / female differencies in straight versus curved bodies
According to skinner:
Skinner ends this part of his lecture with stating the fact that we in our western society today have got far too much focus on the male kind of energy and are left hemisphered.
Skinner says that; "We as a species are far too much leftbrained. In fact we are incredible leftbrained, wich means that we as a species mainly have a male energy in unbalance. It is way too much of it. It is dominant. And it is constricting on the female side of the brain."
Everything in the universe is geometric whether it´s peoples, trees, cats planets, solarsystems, you name it. Anything in the universe can be meassured on a geometrical scale.
Having said that, its important to remenber that creation is also geometric. And then its time to look at the pattern of creation. Essentially what that means, is that everything in this universe comes out of this single pattern.
This single image whill change everything
The old Egyptians as well as many other ancient civilisation knew about the deep and basic understanding of the geometric patterns in universe - this is the Flower of Life:
The Flower of Life is the creation pattern of everything in the existence.
Even nontangible things like emotions, thoughts and music in its entire spectrum, everything comes from this image.
There are 13 systems of information that comes out of the Flower of Life.
And now Skinner will show you how physical reality can manifest itself, which is just one of the thirteen systems.
Its also important to know that at first it may not make sense. Just try then to look at this with an open mind. Try to see this in a new way. I want to tell you that learning about Sacred Geometry you´re absorbing only a minimum of information. But if you are openminded and really want to learn more about these things you will slowly begin to see things in a new way, and understand why things are done the way they are done.
The Flower of Life has been found in every place in this world. You can find this pattern in Ireland Turkey, Israel, Egypt, China, Greece, England, German, Island, Tibet, Sweden, Lappland, Yucatan - this thing is everywhere and the curious thing is that it everywhere it has got the same name:
To understand the Flower of Life; First we have to understand how it is formed. This could get enourmously complex so you have to try to keep it simple.
We will imagine aspirit flowing in a void: which means it is nothingness; no physic and no mind. Just spirit. And the blackness all around this something, is infinite.
Spirit decides to do something so it expands its consciousness all aroundf itself as far as it can go without moving. It creates a sphere around itself. This is the first cirkel of the Flower of Life.
Then spirit has got aweareness about what is around himself in 360 degrees. And then he moves to the very edge of the sphere anywhere and repeats what he did the first time on the sphere one more time.He creates this image:
Which also creates the Vesica Piscis.
Within the Vesica Piscis is an inecredible amount of knowledge about width, proportion and depth
And also the square-rootes of two, three and five that goes on for ever.
But even more interestingly comes geometrical information about light. Skinner will return to that chapter later.
Now spirit has no choice but has to do it again. Spirit is flawless so either he will create next circle here ...
...or here, exactly one ratio next to us.
And then by continuing repeating these movements ...
we will get this pattern:
And this pattern has two names; The seed of Life or the Genesis Pattern, and for good rasons.
Each of the movements or circles can be seen as another day.
On the first movement or circle was not only mathematical knowledge about proportions, but also about light
The first sentences in the Genesis says:
And the earth was without form and void
And darkness was upon the face ofthe deep.
And the spirit of God moved upon the faces of waters
And God said; Let there be light, and there was light
The key here is in the order. The movement happens first and then immediately after there is light. But what then about the waters? Well, you have to remenber that the Bible has been changed a lot over time. But the Egyptians would say tht the way modern Bible tells about the creation is impossible. Especially when you think about it from the view of physics. ( 11:50 in the video)
Motion and kinestic energy is complete impossible in a void, you cannot even rotate if there are no object around you.
The Egyptians would therefore say that before God could move upon the waters he would have to create something he could move reality to. So after three cirkles you will have the wholy trinity like this:
Another interesting thing is that in many bibles in the world, not just the Christian Bible, it is said that on the fourth day exactly half of the pattern was formed. On the fifth day the last circle in the pattern was formed six circles - more information.
And then om the sixth day a miracle took place; The last circle form a complete six-petal flower
This is what many creation myths in the Bibles mean when it is said that; "In the beginning there was six". And in Genesis in the Bible its is said that the world was created on the sixth day. And this fits exactly.
Te Life Seed pattern or the Genesis Pattern has created the very beginning of the universe that we live in. These movements of the spirit are really important.
But now we are going to look at another patter; that comes out of this first pattern:
Namely this, which is called the Tree of Life. Many recognise it as the pattern that in Hebrew is called the Kabala symbol. But the Cabala did not originate this image. The Tree of life does not belong to any culture -its outside any race or religion, as are all thes images. They are patterns that are intimately connected with nature. You can also notice that in every circle there is the length and the width of the Vesca pisces.
The second image beyond Genesis is the Egg of Life.
This is formed during the second vortex motion:
Upon its completion its formed as a threedimensional shape like this:
If you connect their centers you will get a cube. The Egyptians called this cluster
of spheres The Egg of Life
This is the morphin structure that created your body ; The original 8 cells of your body =The Egg of Life. Your entire physical existence is dependant on this structure. And everything around you is created from that form. This is a whole lesson on its own, so we will move on from now.
All around the world the Flower o Life was always made in the exact same way. This pattern can clearly go on for ever, however it always stop after 19 circles. Why? Because they didn´t want you to see what I am now going to show you now. Back then, this image and knowledge was so secret that they couldn´t allow it to become common knowledge. It was appropriate that time, but now we will use this knowledge or fall further into darkness.
In biology every cell has a zona pellucida around the edge. This circle around the Flower of Life is the zona pellucida of the Flower of life.
You must remove this zona pellucidalike this:
And then complete the circles that was cut of by the zona pellucida:
And finish the drawing by adding the missing circles would give you this:
This image is the Fruit of Life and thids pattern of 13 circles is one of the most holy and sacred patterns in Sacred Geometry, because it is the fruit from which the fabrics of the details of reality was created
This image is "female" as its constructed solely of curved lines. But if you combine the circles with straight lines from there centers something amazing will happens:
You will get this pattern thats called the Metatron´s cube:
It´s one of the most important informational systems in the universe; One of the basic pattern in existence.
Anyone who has studied Sacred geometry or geometry in common knows that there are five unique shapes in the universe and that they are crucial to understand both sacred and regular geometry and its called the Platonic solids.
What all these Platonic solids have got in common, is that all their faces have got the same form and size, and that the all edges of this forms are of the same length, and that all the corners at the connecting points of these forms are of the same width.
The width of the corners of the first Platonic solid; the cube are for example 90°.
What´s more is that all of these Platonic solids can be placed within a sphere and all of its points touch the edge of the sphere perfectly.
Besides this cube there are only four more solids that suits that description and they are the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron.
All of these shapes are found in the Metatrones Cube
This knowledge is also where the alchemy came from: the Ancient scholars as for example Pythagoras considered each shape to have a specific aspect or element connected to them
The tetrahedon was considered to be fire
The cube was earth
The octahedron was air
The icosahedron was water
The dodecahedron was ether
Ether that also is known as Prana or Tachyon energy is all the same thing (?) (As what - here I don´t understand what Skinner says.)
These elements are everywhere and are accessible at any point of time, space or dimension.
This is the great secret of Zero Point Technology:
The sphere is voidness. These six elements are are the building blocks of the universe and they create the quality of the universe.
To summorize; This is the first informational system that comes out of the Metatrons Cube. In alchemy they rarely discussed ether. I read that in Pythagoras school; if you even mentioned the dodecahedron outside the Pythagoras´school, they would kill you at the spot; thats how secret it was. 200 years later when Platon was alive, he would have discussed it, but very carefully, because the dodecahedron is near the edge of energy field and is the highest form of consiousness.
Anyway; every single element on the periodic table has its geometric relation to one of these shapes. Modern scholars have ridiculed this idea until 1980th, when professor Robert Moon in Chicago demonstrated that the entire periodic system - literally everything in the physical world is based ion these same forms. In fact throughout modern physics modern chemistry and industry the Sacred Pattern of Geometry are being rediscovered. Another example is the Egg of Life that I showed you earlier. Hopefully I can make you understand how incredible and important and this rediscovery is.
We have five Platonic geometrics that form everything in creation, but we don´t have a hexagone shape. If we look at the Flower of Life we can se that its alternate form is a sixpoint shape called hexagon, that occur in many guises in nature: Here en a six-petal flower, a wasps nest, Irelands giant Causeway, a fly´s eye, a snakes skin, a human egg cell, a honey comb, a snow flake, no snowflake is alike, but everyone a hexagon:
We have all these Platonic Solid shapes but noone that is formed as a t hexagon - so what gives?
Now Skinner wants to introduce the vector equilibrium that was coined by Buckminster Fuller. It´s actually formed from two threedimensional hexagons, that swirle around each other, and its basic shapes that makes it up are equal-angled triangles and a square.
These are the two smaller shapes that you make with lines and together they balance one another at its corners to create the perfect shape.
Why is this cuboctahedron the perfect shape? The reason is that every single line that is connected in the shape is on the same distance from every other point, including the very centre of itself.
Not even the platonic solids have that definition, wich also makes this the most stable shape; a polyhedron and the basis of the flower of life.
Finally; the only reason why it is not a Platonic Solid is that it has both squares and triangles within it. Platonic Solids are Platonioc Solids because every face is the same, which makes me think that it must be other shapes must exist that are balanced between two different shapes as well and can construct anything in the universe.
Here Skinner is talkig about a Lecture on Ted Talks by the particle physisist Garett Lisi who tells us about amazing discoveries in the scientific field. Garett has made research about corals and discovered that each coral has different polypes. these polypes are constantly branding into the genetically neighboroughs and when he made experiments with this polypes he discovered that every polyope is partr of a whole, but each one is experiencing its own reality and ? . From their findings with the corals they were able to look see the mathematics of quantum mecanics is exactly how it works Everything in reality is continuously branching into new realities and possibilities, just like the corals, as with humans. We are individually experiencing only one of these possibilities much like the individuals in these polypes. What physisists tell us is that everything comes down to geometry in the interactions between the particles. But it can happens only when things are perfectly balanced. So Gerald is showing us that...? We always consider but we never think of what´s creating them. Gerard demonstrates to us how particles point particles really works when you plot them out and how they move this is what they look like:
very interesting pattern-related phenomena among corals and have giving lectures about that on Ted Talk, but I cannot find that video he is talking about. Anyway it sounds very interesting as Gerard
Phi, also known as the Golden Ratio or Golden Mean is a very simple relationship. If you have a line, the only two places that would mark the Phi ratio, is here or here.
The length of A +B is equal to the length of C
This ratio is 1,6 and continues for ever
If you multiply C with Phi C and D is equal to E
Ands we can see that everything in universe is continually branching into new possiblities, just like the corals
What physics are telling us is that everything comes down to geometry and particles. Things can happen only if they are perfectly balanced
Gerald has put up a scheme showing
We alwasys consider theser to be the smallest åarticles but never thinking about what has created them. Gerald demonstrates to us hoew the particles rwally work He wshows that when you plot them out how they move this is what they look like. At the tiniest scales of the universe
